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Good Judy

Mycelium PEN GRIPS

Mycelium PEN GRIPS

Regular price $4.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $4.50 CAD
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2 pack prototypes. Please read carefully.

This is the world's first 100% plastic free, chemical free, organic & completely compostable disposable pen grip. 


1. These are baked and heat treated during production but not sterilized with EO gas. Please disinfect by spraying with 70% alcohol before use.

2. Slide the pen grip onto the pen  ROUNDED EDGE first. It will not fit properly on the pen if you do this backwards.

3. Wrap once with cohesive (Sensi) wrap or other covering just to conceal the grip. If you don't do this you may experience slight flaking of the grip.

4. Dispose of after with other tattoo garbage - single use only. 

Machine Compatibility

Our Mycelium Pen Grips are designed and tested to fit on the FK Irons Spectra Flux and the Bishop Wand. 

It may work with other pen machines that are 1.3"/33mm in diameter but we have not tested other pens and cannot guarantee that it will be compatible with your machine. 

If you use a different pen and want to try this product in the future, please fill out this quick survey!

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